Common Foot Problems

Corns /Callus
Callus is caused by excess pressure on any part of the foot. A Corn may occur at the point of greatest pressure. They may occur on top of the toes, in between toes, on the ball of the foot and heels. These lesions can cause great discomfort when they develop on the foot; great relief is gained when appropriately treated.

Ingrowing Toe Nails (Onychocryptosis)
Ingrowing toe nails occur when a spike or edge of the nail digs into the skin, causing the skin to become red, inflamed, bleeds easily and infection often enters the wound and pus may be present. The condition is extremely painful. Immediate relief is gained when treated by the podiatrist.

Involuted Nails
Involuted nails are often mistakenly called in-growing toe nails. Involuted nails are nails which have become extremely curved and pinch the skin. The painful condition is eased with the appropriate podiatry care.

Thickened Nails (Onychogryphosis)
Nails become thickened due to damage to the nail bed i.e. where the nail grows from. The thickness of a nail can lead to pressure on the nail bed, leading to pain. Great relief can be gained with the appropriate podiatry care.

Sweaty Feet (Bromhidrosis)
Bromhidrosis is the medical term for sweaty feet, this is excessive perspiration of the foot and can improved with the appropriate treatment and advice from the podiatrist.

Athletes Foot (Fungal Infection)
People who suffer with sweaty feet often develop Athletes Foot which is a fungal infection, which causes severe itching, irritation and scaling of the skin, especially in between the toes. Nails can become infected with fungal spores which leads to thickening and discoloration.

Hallux Abductus Valgus is the medical term for bunion, this is a bony deformity of the 1st Metatarsal Phalangeal joint, this is the joint that is found behind the Great toe, basically the joint buckles due to the forces of walking and is usually caused over pronation.

Verrucae and warts are thought to be caused by a virus and can be infectious. They are very common in young adults and children, being less frequent in middle and old age. Some Verrucae can be painful depending on the site they appear on the foot.

Cryotherapy for Verrucae
Cryotherapy is a freezing process utilising Liquid Nitrogen to treat lesions such as Verrucae. This process leads to the treated site blistering an causes discomfort. But there is good evidence based fact for utilising this method of treatment on Verrucae.

Chilblains are small itchy red swellings on the skin, if they become severe or are scratched they may break open and infection can result. Chilblains occur more commonly throughout the colder months.